It’s time to celebrate some wins today for Peterson Capital pubco clients, our IAs and their retail clients.

We have a bit of a trifecta going this morning –  here are three things we thought You Should Know today, that are providing us with some bragging rights material;

1. Converge and diverge – two different outcomes for two tech stories: one a Peterson Capital client that has been a huge winner for our IAs and their clients, and a second, more well-known story, that has had a completely different outcome.

Converge Technology Solutions (CTS-T) closed at $3.53 yesterday, and has been seeking a buyer for the past several months. This morning, they found one, with a takeover bid at $5.50. This is not only a big win today, this company has consistently communicated through us with our IA network on the ups and downs and guidance over the past several years. As a result, our IAs have been trading this story consistently over the past 36 months, and to great success.

My email Inbox is flooded with morning with messages from very happy IAs. Huge kudos to Shaun Maine, Greg Berard and the whole CTS team for a great outcome – and thanks for being such an amazing Peterson Capital client.

On the other hand, we have Lightspeed (LSPD-T) which has been trying to find a buyer, failed, and shareholders have paid the price. As you can see below. We’ve never worked with Lightspeed.

Converge Technology Solutions $5.50 takeover offer
Lightspeed Ecommerce
2. The little Engine That Can – more emails in my Inbox yesterday from our IA network on Sagicor Financial (SFC-T). Drew Garby, our VP in Ottawa, was out with the Sagicor team last week and reported outstanding feedback from our IA network there, with very positive comments on the compelling message from the leadership team.

Funny how that works, when you get a compelling story, a strong leadership team that delivers on milestones, and a compelling message that gets out in front of our powerful network of Investment Advisors across Canada. Check out the chart below:

3. A call option on power gets called: Kudos again to the team at Kiwetinohk Energy (KEC-T) – announcing the sale this week of one of seven power projects from their portfolio. The company is laser focused on its prolific upstream oil & gas assets but has also highlighted to the market in the past that it’s portfolio of power projects act as a call option with considerable upside as they are sold.

And that’s what happened, with a sale of its Opal gas-fired power plan in NW Alberta to a Singapore-based group that will be using this plant to fuel its expanding network of data centres.

No wonder this chart keeps going upwards and to the right. Stay tuned for more to come.

Peterson Capital

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Written by giovanni47